50 Years and still going strong….
Disney’s 50th animated feature TANGLED proved to be a big hit with Irish audiences this weekend, opening at number 1 at the box office.
The strongly reviewed retelling of RAPUNZEL took a whopping $1,033,000 (€753,000) from Irish cinemas making it the highest opening weekend ever for Walt Disney Animation Studios. TANGLED now takes honour of being the 9th highest animated opening in the history of Irish box office. In the US, TANGLED was also the highest opening film ever for Walt Disney Animation Studios and the second biggest Thanksgiving weekend opener behind Disney Pixar’s own TOY STORY 2.
Movies.ie users have also rated the movie highly giving it an average of 4 Stars. Our resident critic Paul Byrne also gave it four stars saying “The rebirth of Disney continues, Tangled mixing the sweet fairytale slapstick ofEnchanted with the mermaid-out-of-water flowering of The Little Mermaid to wonderful effect.”
Check out our TANGLED reviews here.