The Plot: American Samoa had a bad track record in international football, infamously losing 31-0 to Australia and being bottom of the FIFA rankings. Their national football team has yet to score a goal, let alone win a match… but...
Irish star Michael Fassbender, who is currently filming ‘Kung Fury 2,’ is set to join the cast of Taika Waititi’s upcoming sports feature ‘Next Goal Wins,’ Variety has learned. Penned by Waititi and Iain Morris (‘The Inbetweeners,’ ‘Flight of the...
10 new character posters for ‘Dark Phoenix’ tease that every hero has a dark side. The upcoming, which is expected to be the final installment in the ‘X-Men’ franchise, opens in Irish cinemas on June 5. This is the story...
“Sometimes, we want to believe people are something that they are not…” 20th Century Fox has released the second trailer for the latest X-Men outing, ‘Dark Phoenix,’ opening in Irish cinemas on June 7th. The new film is directed by regular...
THE SNOWMAN (UK / Sweden / USA/15A/119 mins) Directed by Tomas Alfredson. Starring Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, J.K. Simmons, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Chloe Sevigny, Toby Jones, Val Kilmer. THE PLOT: It’s a precarious time in Oslo. The city is bidding with...
Michael Fassbender takes on the role of hardboiled detective Harry Hole as he hunts down a serial killer in the big screen adaptation of Jo Nesbø’s bestselling crime novel. When an elite crime squad’s lead detective (Fassbender) investigates the disappearance of a...