Sometimes the rustle in the bushes actually is a monster. First trailer for Baltasar Kormákur’s pulse-pounding new thriller about a father and his two teenage daughters who find themselves hunted by a massive rogue lion intent on proving that the...
“We stick together. No matter what.” One last trailer for the video game sequel SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 before it speeds its way into Irish cinemas on April 1st, a week earlier than had initially been announced. After settling in...
The Plot: The Suicide Squad are back – and weirder than ever. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) puts together another motley crew for a dangerous mission – Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Peacemaker (John Cena), Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian), Ratcatcher...
Want to see Sylvester Stallone playing a giant talking shark? Of course you do…. ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ director James Gunn returns to the comic book movie genre with his wild take on THE SUICIDE SQUAD, a continuation/reboot of the...
Check out the impressive first footage from the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s stage musical, featuring an all-star cast that includes Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Judi Dench, Idris Elba, Ian McKellen, Jason Derulo, Rebel Wilson, James Corden and Royal...
Buckle up. After eight films that have amassed almost €4.5 billion worldwide, the FAST & FURIOUS franchise now features its first stand-alone vehicle as Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham reprise their roles as Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw in HOBBS...