Freeman set for comedy sequel… Morgan “The Voice” Freeman has signed on to join Mark Wahlberg and Amanda Seyfried on the cast of Seth MacFarlane’s ‘Ted’ sequel. Plot details are under wraps, but according to Variety’s sources Freeman will be...
New reimagining of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s classic fairytale in the works… British-American film producer Juliet Blake (‘The Hundred-Foot Journey,’ ”Farscape’) has reportedly acquired the rights to Neil Gaiman’s upcoming graphic novel ‘Hansel and Gretel’ with plans for a live-action...
“The Rock” confirmed for superhero flick… Successful wrestler-turned-actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (‘San Andreas,’ ‘Fast & Furious 6’) has confirmed,...
Disney announces new animated short… From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes the new animated short ‘Frozen Fever,’ welcoming back to the big screen Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and, of course, the one-and-only Olaf. In ‘Frozen Fever,’ it’s Anna’s birthday and Elsa...
Shepard to writer, direct produce, and star… Deadline’s Mike Fleming is reporting that actor-turned-director Dax Shepard (‘Hit & Run,’ ‘Parenthood’)...
Can crowd-funded steampunk adventure help save hand-drawn animation from extinction? Veteran Disney animator James Lopez, whose credits include such films...
Full press release below… Unified Pictures has announced that Academy Award-nominated director John Stevenson (‘Kung Fu Panda’) will direct the company’s first CG-animated feature inspired by ‘Noah’s Ark,’ which is slated for completion in 2016. The animated comedy adventure is...
Will lead the family feature… THR is reporting that veteran actor-comedian Steve Martin (‘Home,’ ‘The Big Year,’ ‘Parenthood,’ ‘The Three Amigos’) is in final negotiations to take the lead in Disney’s family comedy ‘Magic Camp.’ Based on a script by...