Simon Bird hints at Inbetweeners’ movie
Simon Bird has suggested that an Inbetweeners movie may be in the works.
According to Digital Spy, the actor remained coy when asked if a film could be spawned from the television series, but confirmed that it is something the cast would love to do:
“I don’t know – we’re not allowed to say. It’s not up to us. I mean, that’s obviously a yes!” he said.
Actor Blake Harrison, who plays Neil Sutherland, added: “There are loads of rumours going around about different things, but whether anything actually happens is a whole other story. We have loads of fun doing a series, so I think a film would be just as much fun.”
Asked about possible storylines for the movie, Bird concluded: “I don’t think we can give anything away. But there has been talk about [a film]!
“I’d like to see Will finally pop his cherry! Just more of the same, I think. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”