Adaptation of Max Brooks’ zombie book ‘World War Z’ needs money or it could end up dead in the water.
The big screen adaptation of Max Brooks’ 2006 zombie novel ‘World War Z’ is in trouble if Paramount can’t find a co-financier. The movie currently has a price tag of more than €88 million, and the studio are seeking a partner to share the risk.
An “eleventh-hour” effort is being made to “court” frequent co-financier David Ellison (‘Mission: Impossible IV,’ ‘True Grit’) and another unspecified investor to help get the film off the ground. Paramount Film Group president Adam Goodman describes ‘World War Z’ as “a big, kick-ass giant movie.”
‘World War Z’ is set to be directed by Marc Forster (‘Quantum of Solace’) with Brad Pitt starring and producing. Guillermo del Toro’s similarly costly and graphic adaptation of the H.P Lovecraft novel ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ was in the same boat, but while Del Toro was intent on an R rating, Goodman says that Forster signed a deal with Paramount assuring them of a PG-13 cut.
‘World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War’ follows the progression of a fictitious war between zombified humans and the living. The narrator, a fact finder for the Postwar Commission, has compiled numerous interviews over the course of several years and has chosen to place them into a book for future generations to analyze the war. The stories, from all countries and all populations, show the true strength of humankind, and the powerful forces that guide all civilizations.