The Plot: Journalist Eddie (Tom Hardy) has come to some sort of living arrangement with his brain-munching symbiote buddy Venom (also Hardy). Though, Venom is on a strict diet for now, frustrated at Eddie’s lack of enthusiasm for hunting down bad...
You are what you eat. Tom Hardy returns to the big screen as the lethal protector Venom, one of MARVEL’s greatest and most complex characters. Directed by Andy Serkis, the film also stars Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris and Woody Harrelson,...
“Guys like you don’t misplace ten million dollars.” The first footage from‘Chronicle’ and ‘Fantastic Four’ director Josh Trank’s biographical crime drama ‘Capone’ has arrived giving us a first look at Tom Hardy as a dementia-suffering Al Capone. Check it out...
Tom Hardy’s ‘Venom’ sequel has locked in a director, with actor-turned-filmmaker Andy Serkis (‘Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle,’ ‘Breathe’) closing a deal to take the helm for the superhero outing. It’s happening. The Symbiote has found a host in me...
One of Marvel’s most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen, starring Tom Hardy as the lethal protector Venom. VENOM lands in Irish cinemas October 5, 2018....
The folks over THR are hearing word that the next film in Sony’s Spider-Man spinoff universe will focus on anti-hero Morbius the Living Vampire. Created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Gil Kane, Morbius is the alter-ego of Dr. Michael...