In 1970, legendary director Orson Welles (‘Citizen Kane,’ ‘Othello,’ ‘The Magnificent Ambersons,’ ‘Touch of Evil’) began filming what would ultimately...
MAGICIAN: THE ASTONISHING LIFE AND WORK OF ORSON WELLES (USA/IFI/91mins) Directed by Chuck Workman. Starring Orson Welles, Simon Callow, Peter Bogdanovich, Steven Spielberg, William Friedkin, Christopher Welles Feder, Richard Linklater. THE PLOT: Oscar winning filmmaker and long time editor of...
AMY (UK/15A/128mins) Directed by Asif Kapadia. Starring Amy Winehouse, Mitch Winehouse, Nick Shymansky, Mark Ronson, Yasiin Bey, Tony Bennett, Blake...