Seven Sisters. One Identity. In a not so distant future, where overpopulation and famine have forced governments to undertake a drastic “One Child Policy,” seven identical sisters live a hide-and-seek existence pursued by the Child Allocation Bureau. The Bureau, directed...
‘To Stop The Terror. They Must Fight The Conspiracy’ First trailer for the Michael Apted-directed action-thriller co-starring Toni Collette, Michael...
Young mother Renee (played by Noomi Rapace) has her life thrown into chaos when she is randomly abducted, drugged and taken to a secret lab facility. As her captors traumatically experiment on her, Renee must discover why she was chosen...
CHILD 44 (USA | UK | Czech Republic | Romania/16/137mins) Directed by Daniel Espinosa. Starring Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joel Kinnaman, Noomi Rapace, Jason Clarke, Paddy Considine. THE PLOT: In Soviet Russia, under the rule of Stalin, children are going...
‘Those Who Seek The Truth Will Be Silenced’ “As an officer of the military police, Leo Demidov (Hardy), is one of the most feared men in Stalin’s Soviet Union. Leo never questions his patriotic duty until the young son of...