The Plot: Godzilla is having a bad day. After an uneasy alliance with humans, he’s started smashing things up and poses a threat to everyone’s safety – including the other alpha male titan Kong. There’s a solution to fight fire with...
“You turned me into a weapon. And now it’s pointing at you.” Vin Diesel becomes the ultimate weapon in official trailer for the comic book adaptation BLOODSHOT. Directed by Blur Studios’ visual effects whiz Dave Wilson (in his feature directorial debut),...
Robert Rodriguez has shared a new poster for his big screen, live-action adaptation of ‘Alita: Battle Angel,’ coming to Irish cinemas on February 6th. Check it out below. From visionary filmmakers James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez, comes ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL,...
A narrative drama based on Jeff Malmberg’s award-winning documentary ‘Marwencol,’ the Robert Zemeckis-directed WELCOME TO MARWEN tells the miraculous true...
It’s my desert, you’re just visiting. Production has commenced on ‘Highway,’ the second directorial effort from Irish actress-turned-director Alexandra McGuinness. The follow-up to McGuinness’ critically acclaimed debut ‘Lotus Eater,’ the film stars Lucy Fry (‘Bright,’ ‘The Preppie Connection’) as a...
On June 28th, all you need is one killer track. Check out this awesome new one-sheet (illustrated by Rory Kurtz) for Edgar Wright’s latest offering. On June 28th, all you need is one killer track. #BabyDriverMovie only in theaters....