Ambitious but vague The Childhood of a LeaderCHILDHOOD OF A LEADER (UK | France | Hungary/TBC/115mins) Directed by Brady Corbet. Starring Liam Cunningham, Berenice Bejo, Robert Pattinson,...
Brady Corbet’s THE CHILDHOOD OF A LEADER Trailer“Witness the birth of a terrifying ego.” The directorial debut of Brady Corbet (‘Funny Games,’ ‘’), THE CHILDHOOD OF A...
The Best Spy ComediesSPY is released in Irish cinemas this week, and stars Melissa McCarthy as a desk jockey at the CIA who finds herself unexpectedly thrust into the field when she agrees to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer. SPY...
NYMPHOMANIAC Actress Joins THE CHILDHOOD OF A LEADERWill co-star with Robert Pattinson, Tim Roth and B...