In the months leading up to World War II, an ordinary English man, Nicholas Winton, travelled to the former Czechoslovakia to help support those who were forced to become refugees by the encroaching Nazi regime. Horrified by what he saw, Winton was determined to do something to help, ultimately saving 669 Jewish children by securing passage for them by train to England. Winton’s story was almost forgotten until 1988 when a surprise reunion was organised live on the Esther Rantzen BBC show, ‘That’s Life’.
New movie ‘One Life’, starring Anthony Hopkins and Johnny Flynn as Sir Nicolas Winton, tells the story of the daring rescue that changed their lives.
We had the opportunity to speak with director James Hawes about this very important story.
James has previously worked on Charlie Brooker’s cult TV show ‘Black Mirror’, HBO’s ‘Snowpiercer’ and Apple’s breakout hit show ‘Slow Horses’.
Watch the Video Interview with James