What does Pat Shortt watch when he’s not eating Jumbo Breakfast Rolls?
From Ireland’s most popular comedy duo ‘D’Unbelievables’ to Lenny Abramson’s award winning ‘Garage’, we heart Pat Shortt. So when we got a chance to talk movies with the star of these shows, not to mention Father Ted and Killinaskully , who were we to say no! Check out Pat’s thoughts on all things movies.
Q: How often to you get to sit down and watch a movie?
I try to watch 2-3 weekly
Q: Tell us about the last movie you saw?
The Incredibles – excellent movie very human feel to it something along the lines of the Simpsons.
Q: What is your favourite Irish movie and why?
“I went down” – finest Irish movie every made it was very well cast with excellent comedy factors.
Q: What is your favourite movie of all time?
I don’t really have any film that I would watch over and over however there are two films I really enjoy. The Big Night with Isabella Rossellini and Man On The Moon with Jim Carey.
Q: What movie could you never sit through again?
S.W.A.T. – having seen Colin Farrell in Phone booth which was excellent I was a little disappointed but it wasn’t the acting so much more the dialogue.
Q: Have you ever cried during a movie? Which one?
Yes…some silly movie about a dying baby elephant which was on early in the morning and as I had been out drinking the night before was feeling emotional and vunerable and would have cried at anything!
Q: Favourite movie snack?
Popcorn & popcorn
Q: Favourite TV programme?
Grand Designs with Kevin McCloud- As you can tell I have the Discovery Channel at home.
Q: Who would play you in the movie adaptation of your life?
It would be a 15 min short more than a full length feature film….. Samantha Mumba to play me in my early years and probably Twink for my latter years as a lot of people say I look like her!