Jane Austen’s beloved comedy about finding your equal and earning your happy ending, is reimagined in this delicious new film adaptation of EMMA. Handsome, clever, and rich, Emma Woodhouse (Anya Taylor-Joy) is a restless queen bee without rivals in her...
First footage from acclaimed French filmmaker Claire Denis’ long-anticipated English-language debut, HIGH LIFE, a Kubrickian sci-fi thriller about a father (Robert Pattinson)...
As a darkness builds at the center of a world-renown dance company, its artistic director (Tilda Swinton), a young American new to the troupe (Dakota Johnson), and a grieving psychotherapist (Lutz Ebersdorf) become entangled in a bloody, sighing nightmare. SUSPIRIA...
From acclaimed French filmmaker Claire Denis (‘Let the Sunshine In’ ‘Chocolat,’ ‘Beau travail’) comes a sci-fi drama about a father and his daughter who struggle to survive in deep space. Check out the images below, courtesy of Vanity Fair. A...
“Are you ready, Mr. Lockhart? Then let’s begin…” An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company’s CEO from an idyllic but mysterious “wellness center” at a remote location in the Swiss Alps. He soon suspects that the spa’s miraculous...
THE SURVIVALIST (UK/18/104mins) Directed by Stephen Fingleton. Starring Martin McCann, Mia Goth, Olwen Fouere. THE PLOT: After the world’s oil production dips and the population continues to expand, a man (Martin McCann) lives off a small plot of land hidden deep...