Yeats On Film

The National Library of Ireland celebrate Ireland with Yeats trilogy this Patrick’s Day Festival

‘Tis the season to be Irish – and the National Library of Ireland are celebrating with FREE screenings Partick Bergin’s Yeats trilogy, from 14th – 28th March


Staring this Friday, 14Th, as part of the St. Patrick’s Festival celebrations, you can attend lunchtime screenings of Patrick Bergin’s trilogy of Yeats plays – The Cat and the Moon, Calvary, and The Countess Cathleen.


The short films, directed and starring Bergin himself, also feature a  host of  other well-known Irish actors including Denis Conway, Pat Kinnevane and Catriona Ní Murchu.


The Screening Dates and Times are as follows


Venue: Seminar Room, National Library of Ireland
Dates: 14th / 18th & 19th / 21st / 25th – 28th March


13.10 – 13.50: The Cat and the Moon
13.50 – 14.05: Calvary
14.05 – 15.00: The Countess Cathleen

Admission: FREE!


For further information, contact:
National Library of Ireland,
Kildare St,
Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 603 0277