Watchmen Delayed

Who delays the Watchmen…

After the recent ruling by a Los Angeles judge, Fox (US) is seeking to put one of the biggest releases of 2009 on hold. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Fox has filed a court order to delay the impending release of Warner Brothers’ (US) film, Watchmen.


Last week in Los Angeles, U.S. District Court Judge Gary Feess ruled in Fox’s favor, that Warner Brothers infringed on Fox’s copyright for the film by developing and shooting the new movie. On Monday, Feess said that a trial has been set for January 20 to decide the remaining arguments.


Fox’s lawsuit claims that it never fully gave Warner Bros. the story rights to make the film, which Fox had since the late 1980s. Warner Bros. claims that Fox has no right to the distribution of the film.


A Warner Bros. attorney said that he wasn’t sure if they would appeal the decision, but also said a trial seems likely and a settlement was unlikely.