The Plot: Nursing their wounds from the 2016 Presidential Election defeat, the Democrats are looking to regain some ground in the heartland of America. Democrat strategist Gary (Steve Carell) heads to the rural swing state of Wisconsin to approach former Marine...
Based on the memoir “Beautiful Boy” by David Sheff and “Tweak” by his son, Nic Sheff, BEAUTIFUL BOY chronicles the heartbreaking and inspiring experience of survival and recovery in a family coping with addiction over many years. BEAUTIFUL BOY is...
A narrative drama based on Jeff Malmberg’s award-winning documentary ‘Marwencol,’ the Robert Zemeckis-directed WELCOME TO MARWEN tells the miraculous true story of one broken man’s fight as he discovers how artistic imagination can restore the human spirit. When a devastating...
To celebrate the release of BATTLE OF THE SEXES in Irish cinemas this week we have some exclusive movie merchandise to giveaway, keep reading for your chance to win… ABOUT THE MOVIE In the wake of the sexual revolution and...
A spiritual sequel to Hal Ashby’s 1973 classic ‘The Last Detail,’ Richard Linklater’s latest stars Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, and Laurence Fishburne as Vietnam veterans who reunite to perform a sacred task: laying one of their sons to rest. Thirty...
First footage from the Jonathan Dayton– and Valerie Faris-directed sports comedy. “I’m done talking, let’s play!” The 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs became the most watched televised sports event of all time. Trapped in the...