“Life is a comedy written by a sadistic comedy writer.” In Hollywood of the 1930s, Bobby (Jesse Eisenberg) arrives in Hollywood with big dreams of working with his uncle Phil, who just so happens to be an agent to the...
CAFÉ SOCIETY (USA/TBC/96mins) Directed by Woody Allen. Starring Steve Carell, Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg, Corey Stoll, Blake Lively, Jeannie Berlin,...
FREEHELD (USA/12A/103mins) Directed by Peter Sollett. Starring Julianne Moore, Ellen Page, Michael Shannon, Steve Carell. THE PLOT: When New Jersey police detective Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) is diagnosed with terminal cancer she is determined for her pension to go to...
With his new film, ‘The Big Short’, director Adam McKay makes the complicated story of the 2007 economic crisis into a smart, acerbic, and surprisingly accessible and funny film. Nominated for five Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best...
‘The Big Short’ is released in Irish cinemas this week. Directed by the man who brought us ‘Anchorman’, ‘The Other Guys’ and ‘Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby’, Adam McKay, this is a rare foray into drama for the...
To celebrate the release of MINIONS in Irish cinemas this weekend, we have some exclusive goodie packs to giveaway courtesy of Universal Pictures. Keep reading for your chance to enter… ABOUT THE MOVIE The story of Universal Pictures and...
MINIONS (USA/G/91mins) Directed by Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin. Starring Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Allison Janney, Michael Keaton, Pierre Coffin, Chris...
We review this week’s new cinema releases, including TAKEN 3, FOXCATCHER and INTO THE WOODS… TAKEN 3 (France/12A/109mins)Directed by Olivier Megaton. Starring Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie Grace, Dougray Scott, Famke Janssen, Jonny Weston, Jon Gries.THE PLOT: Opening with a...