“Eyes, lungs, pancreas. So many snacks. So little time.” On October 5th, one of Marvel’s most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen. Check out the latest trailer for VENOM, starring Tom Hardy as the lethal protector....
“Alright. You’re not going to like what comes next…” Hilarious first trailer for Jacques Audiard’s dark western comedy starring Joaquin Phoenix, John...
“Everyone’s got their thing. Maybe it’s a breakup, a death, an accident…whatever it is, you used to be one thing. Now, you’re something else.” First footage from Ruben Fleischer’s much-anticipated anti-superhero film has finally arrived, giving us our first look at...
When a young woman unexpectedly arrives at an older man’s workplace, looking for answers, the secrets of the past threaten to unravel his new life. Their confrontation will uncover buried memories and unspeakable desires. It will shake them both to...
“Rebellions are built on hope.” New look at the highly-anticipated ‘Star Wars’ spin-off, hitting Irish cinemas December 15th. Set before the events of ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY tells the story of a courageous group of Rebel fighters who...
Goosebumps overload. Feast your eyes upon the gloriously epic new trailer for the first of the ‘Star Wars’ standalone films, ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,’ hitting Irish cinemas in December. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely...