The Plot: New York lawyer Peter (Hugh Jackman) has rebooted his life with new partner Beth (Vanessa Kirby) and a young baby in tow. There are political aspirations too in Washington D.C., which might occasionally take him away from his...
Hugh Jackman and Rebecca Ferguson, who co-starred in the uber successful musical ‘The Greatest Showman,’ are set to reunite for the sci-fi epic ‘Reminiscence.’ With ‘Westworld’ co-creator Lisa Joy making her directorial debut, the film is set in near future...
In 1988, Gary Hart was going to be the next U.S. President. This is the story of what happened next. New look at the latest offering from Jason Reitman starring Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, J.K. Simmons and Alfred Molina. Hugh Jackman...
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (USA/PG/109mins) Directed by Michael Gracey. Starring Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, Zac Efron. THE PLOT:...
“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” Starring Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zendaya, and Zac Efron, THE GREATEST SHOWMAN tells the story of P.T Barnum, the legendary circus impresario who rose from nothing to create a...
To celebrate the release of LOGAN – Now showing in Irish cinemas, we have some exclusive LOGAN merchandise to giveaway, including T-Shirts and hoodies… keep reading for your chance to win. ABOUT LOGAN In the near future, a weary Logan...
This week, the third instalment in the Wolverine movie franchise – ‘Logan’ – is released in Irish cinemas. Set in the near future, Logan (Hugh Jackman) – once known as Wolverine – is working as a limo driver and trying...