The Plot: This decades-spanning documentary charts the career and life of Mary Robinson. First a constitutional lawyer and then the first female President of Ireland during a time of economic crisis, she came to embody the spirit and need for...
The Plot: Middle-aged filmmaker Simon is working away in India when he’s called home to London to look after his uncle David. He turns on his camera and documents David’s life as the former actor approaches the end of life....
The Plot: It’s 1995 and English boxer Chris Eubank is at the top of his game as world middleweight champion. Undefeated in professional bouts up to this point, he basks in the glory of success and willingly defends his title against...
The Plot: It’s the end of November in Ireland and preparations are in full swing for Christmas. The lights are going up along with the trees and decorations. People are of good cheer and show kindness to strangers and each...
In 2014, D. Smith, a two-time Grammy-nominated producer, singer, and songwriter came out as a transgender woman. What she was unaware of was that living her truth meant that she would have to sacrifice her music career. After a lifelong...
Prayer for our Sinners looks at the damage done by mother and baby homes and the effects of corporal punishment by examining the stories of Norman, Betty, and Ethna, three people supported in their hometown of Navan by doctors Paddy...