The Plot: Viewing himself as something of an outsider looking in, Pat Ingoldsby narrates his own story. The Dublin writer and poet recounts his life growing up in Malahide, rambling around the UK by train and meeting various people along the...
This is not a typical “behind the music” documentary, the film from director Kathryn Ferguson focuses on O’Connor’s prophetic words and deeds from 1987 to 1993, the film presents an authoritative, richly cinematic portrait of this fearless artist through a...
Alvin Ailey rose from humble beginnings in rural Texas to become one of the leading lights of the dance scene in New York at a time of great social upheaval. Through his own dance routines and later choreography of other African-American dancers,...
Breaking Out is a documentary about a one of kind singer from Ireland. You might not know Fergus O’Farrell but you know his legacy and his story is the story of Ireland. We sat down with director Michael McCormack as...
Director: Edgar Wright Producers: Edgar Wright, Nira Park, George Hencken, Laura Richardson Story: How can one rock band be successful, underrated, hugely influential, and criminally overlooked all at the same time? Take a musical odyssey through five weird and wonderful...
The Plot: This rags-to-riches rockumentary charts the stratospheric rise of one Philip Lynott. Born in London but raised in Crumlin, he was proud of his Irish heritage and loved his town as much as he loved life. Being black and Irish...
The Plot: In this observational documentary, American folklorist and ethnologist Henry Glassie travels through North America, South America, Ireland and...