From Walt Disney Pictures and visionary director Tim Burton comes an epic fantasy adventure “Alice in Wonderland,” a magical and imaginative twist on some of the most beloved stories of all time. Nineteen-year-old Alice returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end the Red Queen’s reign of terror. “Alice in Wonderland” captures the wonder of Lewis Carroll’s beloved “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (1865) and “Through the Looking-Glass” (1871) with stunning, avant-garde visuals and the most charismatic characters in literary history.
Both Stuart Townsend and Charlize Theron have confirmed that they will attend the screening of ‘Battle in Seattle’ as part of the sixth Jameson Dublin International Film Festival. Townsend makes his directorial debut with the film, which tells the true story of the World Trade Organisation protests in Seattle in 1999. The film will be screened at The Savoy, O’Connell St at 11 am, Saturday 16th February and will be followed by a post screening discussion.