A fortnight ago, we brought you news that the latest Paddy Breathnach movie ‘Red Mist’ began shooting in Belfast. It has since been confirmed that the film is part of a group of five to be produced by new company Generator Entertainments as part of their debut slate.
Generator, which was set up by producers Simon Bosanquet and Mark Huffam, plans to shoot four of the five in Northern Ireland in the first half of this year, the first of which will be Breathnach’s ‘Red Mist’. All films have an estimated budget of around 3 million with additional funding coming from Northern Ireland Screen (the U.K. government-backed film agency and funder).
Other films on the Generator’s slate are Chris Hartwill’s ghost story ‘The God Machine’ urban gang thriller “Beach Boys” , horror mock doc ‘Video 8’ and ‘Chatakwa Falls’.