“Burlesque Undressed” is a lavish and dazzling journey right into the heart of the art-form, featuring a compelling mix of live performance, interviews from burlesque stars past and present, captivating music and all-round show-stopping entertainment. British burlesque superstar Immodesty Blaize peels back the curtain to reveal her world of high-octane glamour, and gives an exclusive peep behind-the-scenes to expose the work involved in the art of the tease to produce a signature act of perfection. From the elaborate spectacular costume designs to the impressive on-stage gimmicks, Immodesty and her pals showcase the best of burlesque in a dazzling explosion of seductive live performance, including footage from her very own sell-out Tease Show. Veteran burlesque legends reveal hilarious anecdotes from the original Golden Era, including running foul of the censors and getting jailed for shaking their behind even when covered up! This high-definition film tells the real story of the genre, charting its rise and fall from early British roots to an American evolution, and finally rejoicing in burlesque’s 21st century revival. “Burlesque Undressed” also features a special appearance from Marc Almond and a blaizin’ big band soundtrack of heart-pounding memorable music.
Following on from the news that Stephen Spielberg will not direct the final Harry Potter film ‘Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows’, it’s looking ever more likely that David Yates, the director of the fifth and sixth installments, will finish the franchise. The news is based on Lois Lowry official blog. Lowry’s own book ‘The Giver’ was due to be adapted by Yates but on her official blog she reveals a ‘Giver’ movie will be delayed as Yates looks set to handle “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” after all.
The somewhat bitter sounding Lowry had this to say on the news:
‘Bad news from The Giver Movie front. David Yates, the director currently working on the next Harry Potter film, was supposed to begin The Giver film next. But he has just decided he wants to do the final Harry Potter first, thereby postponing The Giver by several years. Maybe the opening of this film could be held simultaneously with my celebration-of-life service after I succumb to old age? Or the producers will decide to get a different director. Stand by. But without holding your breath.’
The news has not been confirmed by Warner Bros.