This fun-filled spin-off of the Rodgers & Hart Broadway musical by the same name, features Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney as two young children of vaudevillian parents who aren’t included in their parents travels, so they set out to produce a show of their own. Rooney’s the driver here and he’s up against the administrators of a fogy state-run trade school, who think the whole show idea is nonsense. A listening judge gives them 30 days to put on the show and prove they don’t belong in the jail-like school. The rest of the action involves the highly talented kids successful efforts to not only stage the show, but to bring the whole troupe to Broadway.~ All Movie Guide
Thomas Haden Church will join Kate Hudson in the upcoming film ‘Big Eyes’
‘Big Eyes’ is a biopic of artist Margaret Keane (famed for her bug eyed girl paintings- have a google if your not familiar with them!)
Church will play Walter Keane, Margaret’s husband, who tried to claim credit for his wife’s work and became embroiled in a court case with her over who deserved credit (blame?) for the art works.
Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewksi will helm the project from their own script.
TIDBIT: At director Sam Raimi’s request, Church worked out in a gym for more than six months and put on more than ten pounds of muscle to play the lead villain Flint Marko/Sandman in Spider-Man 3.