We bring you the facts about the star of LIFE AFTER BETH
LIFE AFTER BETH is released in Irish cinemas this week, and we decided to find out more about Dane DeHaan, the star of the film…
1. What’s in a name?
DeHaan has Dutch, German, English, Welsh and Northern Irish ancestry. In Dutch, his surname means The Rooster.
2. Love and Marriage
DeHaan married actress Anna Wood in 2012. The couple had been dating since 2006. Wood has had a recurring role in TV’s DECEPTION and also starred in CHRONICLE with her husband.
3. Through the Never
DeHaan wasn’t allowed to listen to Metallica when he was a kid, but was given their albums by THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES director Derek Cianfrance. DeHaan went on to star in two movies about Metallica, and the band preformed under his last name DeHaan in their Orion Festival, playing all of ‘Kill ‘Em All’, their first album.
4. Life After Drama
Although DeHaan has an impressive resume; LIFE AFTER BETH is his first role in a comedy film.
5. To Die Would Be…
Dane DeHaan revealed during a Q&A that he was actually strangling himself during the attempted suicide scenes in KILL YOUR DARLINGS.
6. Living Together is an Art…
Josh Trank, the director of CHRONICLE made Dane DeHaan, Michael B Jordan, and Alex Russell live in a house together for 15 days in order to create a genuine bond between the three.
7. Keep Your Friends Close
While filming KILL YOUR DARLINGS with Daniel Radcliffe, DeHaan and Radcliffe became great friends – so much so that Dane and his wife Anna lived with Daniel for a whole month and played five hour games of Cards Against Humanity together. He also drove cross country with Shia LaBeouf before filming LAWLESS.
8. Young DiCaprio
DeHaan is continually being compared to a young Leonardo DiCaprio, and in a 2012 interview with Bullett, DeHaan addressed those rumours saying ‘Well, I think we have very similar eyes… I think we bring an intensity to the screen that is somewhat comparable’.
9. Feel the fear and do it anyway
DeHaan is due to play James Dean in the upcoming film LIFE, and admits that he’s ‘terrified’ at the idea.
10. Coming Up Next
As well as LIFE, DeHaan is due to star in the upcoming films TULIP FEVER- with Christoph Waltz, Jack O’Connell and Holliday Grainger – and THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3.
LIFE AFTER BETH is released in Irish cinemas on October 1st 2014
Words: Brogen Hayes