The Plot: The eccentric Dr Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe) experiments with the lifeless body of a pregnant woman who has jumped off a bridge. Naturally, he brings her back to life by transplanting the brain of the unborn child into the...
The Favourite (Ireland / UK / USA / 15A / 119 mins) In short: Deliciously wicked Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. Starring Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone, Nicholas Hoult. The Plot: 18th Century England. Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) is not...
At the Seville European Film Festival, the European Film Academy and EFA Productions proudly announced the nominations for the 30th European Film Awards. This year the awards take place in Berlin, the home of the European Film Awards, on December...
“A surgeon never kills a patient. An anaesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.” Intense and creepy first trailer for Yorgos Lanthimos’ highly anticipated psychological horror-thriller starring Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, Nicole Kidman and Raffey Cassidy. Steven...
The European Film Awards returned home to Berlin tonight, after a beautiful but chilly ceremony in the Latvian capital Riga last year. This year, the Haus der Berliner Festspiele played host to the awards, where the best and brightest of...
THE LOBSTER, Yorgos Lanthimos’s critically acclaimed Cannes hit, will have its Irish Premiere on Thursday October 8th in The Light House Cinema, Smithfield with lead actor Colin Farrell in attendance. We have exclusive tickets to giveaway to lucky readers of...