The Plot: The eccentric Dr Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe) experiments with the lifeless body of a pregnant woman who has jumped off a bridge. Naturally, he brings her back to life by transplanting the brain of the unborn child into the...
“Avenge father. Save mother. Kill Fjölnir.” Arriving in cinemas this April, Robert Eggers’ action-filled epic follows a Viking prince on his quest to avenge his father’s murder. The film, shot mainly on Torr Head in Co. Antrim in 2020, with...
Redemption is the long game. Paul Schrader’s revenge thriller ups the ante with Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, Tye Sheridan and Willem Dafoe. Told with Schrader’s trademark cinematic intensity, the revenge thriller tells the story of William Tell, an ex-military interrogator...
Director Robert Eggers’ follow-up to ‘The Witch’ is a psychological tale of supernatural horror. Shot in black & white Kodak film stock, in academy ratio, the film stars Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson as two lighthouse keepers who start to lose their sanity when a storm...
Bradley Cooper (‘A Star Is Born’), Toni Collette (‘Hereditary’), Richard Jenkins (‘The Shape of Water’), Cate Blanchett (‘Thor: Ragnarok’), Ron Perlman (‘Hellboy’), Willem Dafoe (‘The Lighthouse’), Rooney Mara (‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’), Michael Shannon (‘The Shape of Water’)...
Home is calling for Arthur Curry and Mera in new poster for the superhero flick, opening in cinemas nationwide, December 12th. From Warner Bros. Pictures and director James Wan comes an action-packed adventure that spans the vast, visually breathtaking underwater...