Will Smith & Martin Lawrence are back in action in the fourth film of the popular action-comedy franchise that debuted in 1995. The duo first teamed up as Miami Police detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, who investigate illegal drug...
“You gonna walk out there with your head up…. you’re a champion and the whole world know it” Warner Bros has unveiled the official trailer for ‘King Richard,’ director Reinaldo Marcus Green’s true story sports drama looking at how tennis...
Spies In Disguise (USA / PG / 102 mins) In short: Bird brained Directed by Nick Bruno, Troy Quane. Starring Will Smith, Tom Holland, Karen Gillan, Ben Mendelsohn, Rashida Jones, Rachel Brosnahan. The Plot: Walter (Tom Holland) has always had a knack...
Loosely based on Lucas Martell’s 2009 animated short ‘Pigeon: Impossible,’ Nick Bruno and Troy Quane’s ‘Spies in Disguise’ sees Will Smith voicing a super spy who is turned into a pigeon, and must rely on his nerdy tech officer (voiced...
Ride together. Die together. 17 years later, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are finally reunited in ‘Bad Boys For Life.’ The third outing of the action-packed buddy cop franchise opens in Irish cinemas on January 17th. BAD BOYS FOR LIFE...
Aladdin (USA / PG / 128 mins) In short: Whole lotta magic Directed by Guy Ritchie. Starring Will Smith, Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott, Marwan Kenzari, Navid Neghaban. The Plot: Street urchin Aladdin (Mena Massoud) is a cheeky thief but...