“To visit planet Earth you will have to be born as a human child.” Johnny (Joaquin Phoenix) and his young nephew (Woody Norman) forge a tenuous but transformational relationship when they are unexpectedly thrown together in this delicate and deeply...
You can’t run from yourself. Opening in Irish cinemas on January 25, Karyn Kusama’s DESTROYER follows the moral and existential odyssey of LAPD detective Erin Bell who, as a young cop, was placed undercover with a gang in the California...
Official trailer for Jody Hill’s action-adventure-comedy starring Josh Brolin, Danny McBride, Montana Jordan, and Scoot McNairy. Buck Ferguson (Josh Brolin),...
SLEEPLESS (USA/15A/95mins) Directed by Baran bo Odar. Starring Jamie Foxx, Michelle Monaghan, Dermot Mulroney, Scoot McNairy, Octavius J. Johnson. THE PLOT: Las Vegas cop Vincent (Jamie Foxx) and his partner Sean (Tip ‘T.I.’ Harris) rip off a drug deal and...
‘Vengeance Is A Journey With No Return’ Inspired by actual events, the Darren Aronofsky-produced AFTERMATH tells a story of guilt and revenge after an air traffic controller’s (Scoot McNairy) error causes the death of a construction foreman’s (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wife...
Which came first, the documentary or the fictional tale? Sometimes truth inspires fiction and other times it is the other way around. In the case of ‘Our Brand is Crisis’ – released in Irish cinemas this week – it is...
Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman...