Irish Actor Aidan Turner Joins Malick’s Jesus Movie THE LAST PLANETProduction on Terrence Malick’s latest, ‘The Last Planet,’ a film telling the story of Christ’s life through a series of...
ALADDIN TV Spot Reveals First Look at Will Smith’s GenieThe good folk over at Disney have released the first TV spot for Guy Ritchie’s upcoming live-action remake of ‘Aladdin,’...
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Teaser Trailer Swings Online“You got gifts, Parker. But we have a job to do…” Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures have unveiled the first trailer for ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home,’ giving us our first look at the superhero sequel and Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio. Peter Parker...
ALADDIN – First Trailer for Guy Ritchie’s Live-Action Remake“Only one may enter here, one whose worth lies far within, the diamond in the rough.” Get your first glimpse at...