Over one day across the streets of L.A., three lives will change forever. Master of explosions Michael Bay returns with a remake of the 2005 Danish film AMBULANCE. Starring Yahya Abdul-Mateen, Jake Gyllenhaal and Elza González, the action-thriller follows two...
BUMBLEBEE will open in Irish cinemas on December 24th (with special previews December 15&16). but we’re giving lucky readers the chance to attend a special screening in Dublin on December 10th, keep reading for your chance to win tickets. ABOUT THE...
Josh Duhamel is something of a Transformers veteran, he’s been part of Michael Bay’s team since the franchise launched in 2007. His character William Lennox has become more powerful in each movie, rising from captain, to major, to lieutenant to...
Michael Bay, whose fifth outing of the robots in disguise franchise ‘Transformers: The Last Knight’ hits Irish cinemas in June, is in talks to develop a feature based on the upcoming book ‘Hunting El Chapo’ for Sony Pictures. Featuring a...
‘Rethink Your Heroes’ The big game teaser for Michael Bay’s fifth instalment of the robots in disguise franchise brings snippets of new footage. The Last Knight shatters the core myths of the Transformers franchise, and redefines what it means to...
‘Optimus Prime is ready for battle. Are you?’ Paramount Pictures has revealed the official title for the next chapter of the ‘Transformers’ film franchise, TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT, hitting cinemas June 2017. Calling all #Autobots: Optimus Prime is ready for...