Led by young Irish star Alisha Weir, MATILDA THE MUSICAL is a brand-new take on the Tony and Olivier award-winning musical and tells the story of an extraordinary girl, with a vivid imagination, who dares to take a stand to...
The Plot: Secret agent James Bond (Daniel Craig) has left active service, enjoying life with new lover Madeleine (Lea Seydoux). He hasn’t quite left the past behind him though, still haunted by the memory of Vesper. SPECTRE have tracked him...
“When our secret finds its way out… it’ll be the death of him.” New teaser for ‘No Time To Die’ promises that the 25th outing of the spy series will change everything. In NO TIME TO DIE, Bond has left active...
The title for Daniel Craig’s fifth and final appearance as super spy James Bond aka 007 has officially been revealed – ‘No Time To Die.’ Daniel Craig returns as James Bond, 007 in… NO TIME TO DIE. Out in the...
Everything begins with a hero. Set in the 1990s, Marvel Studios’ CAPTAIN MARVEL is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that follows the journey of Carol Danvers as she becomes...
Paging Carol Danvers. Courtesy of EW, we have our first official look at Brie Larson’s Air-Force-pilot-turned-intergalactic-hero, Captain Marvel. Check it...