“He borrowed your Goya to do a bit of good in this world.” THE DUKE is the true story of Kempton Bunton, a 60-year old taxi driver, who stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery...
King Of Thieves (UK / 15A / 107 mins) In short: Geezer con job Directed by James Marsh. Starring Michael Caine, Jim Broadbent, Ray Winstone, Tom Courtenay, Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Cox, Michael Gambon. The Plot: Former career criminal Brian...
Michael Bond’s marmalade-loving bear returns for another fun-filled and heart-warming adventure on November 10th. Everyone’s favourite marmalade-loving bear is back for his biggest adventure yet. The much-anticipated sequel to the worldwide hit family film finds Paddington happily settled with the...
THE SENSE OF AN ENDING (UK/15A/108mins) Directed by Ritesh Batra. Starring Jim Broadbent, Charlotte Rampling, Harriet Walter, Michelle Dockery, Matthew...
Directed by Ritesh Batra, THE SENSE OF AN ENDING is a moving and uplifting story about the paths chosen in life, and the power of memory, love and forgiveness. Irish release – April 14, 2017....
This week, Bridget Jones is back in cinemas, and not only is the lead character single again, after her relationship with the dreamy Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) has come to an end, but she finds herself pregnant and unsure if...
‘Brooklyn’ is released in Irish cinemas this week, and stars Saoirse Ronan as Eilis; a young Irish woman who emigrates to America in the 1950s. When she returns home, Eilis is completely changed, although home remains the same. With this...