First trailer for the Doug Liman-directed drug-running drama co-starring Domhnall Gleeson and Sarah Wright. Tom Cruise and his ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ director Doug Liman reunite for this international escapade based on the outrageous (and real) exploits of a hustler and...
BRIDGE OF SPIES (USA|India|Germany/12A/141mins) Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Jesse Plemons, Alan Alda, Amy Ryan. THE PLOT: During the Cold War in 1957, a Soviet spy named Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) is caught in Brooklyn, and...
THE PROGRAM (UK | France/15A/103mins) Directed by Stephen Frears. Starring Ben Foster, Chris O’Dowd, Jesse Plemons, Dustin Hoffman, Lee Pace, Elaine...
From Academy Award® nominated director Stephen Frears (‘The Queen,’ ‘Philomena’) and producers Working Title (‘The Theory Of Everything,’ ‘Everest,’ ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’), comes the true story of the meteoric rise and fall of one of the most celebrated and...