Winner of prestigious awards at the 2017 Venice Film Festival, including the Silver Lion for best director, CUSTODY is a gripping, tension-filled drama that heralds a stunning new cinematic voice in Xavier Legrand. Actor-turned-director Legrand will be attendance at the...
NAILS follows the story of Dana Milgrom (Shauna Macdonald), a track coach who, having survived a near-death car accident, finds herself completely paralysed and trapped inside her own body. While recovering, she becomes convinced that an evil presence exists inside...
Audiences packed into Savoy for the annual mystery movie As Jdiff 2015 draws to a close, audiences packed into Savoy 1 for the annual surprise movie, some years are strong, other years result in walk-outs, what will audiences this year...
Competition to have your script turned into a short This year, the Jameson First Shot Film Competition returns for its fourth year, working in partnership with Kevin Spacey and Dana Brunetti of Tigger Street Productions. Together, Jameson and Tigger Street...