Meet Zeta, she’s got tons of ice… and zero chill. First footage from the animated sequel featuring a hilarious all-star cast of new and returning talent. The flightless angry birds and the scheming green piggies take their beef to the...
As the era of Kodachrome film processing comes to an end, a man must reunite with his estranged father on a roadtrip to develop his final rolls of Kodachrome film. KODACHROME premieres April 20th, only on Netflix....
The perfect life is just one small step away. The folks over at Paramount Pictures have unveiled a second trailer for Alexander Payne’s sci-fi comedy-drama, arriving in Irish cinemas January 19th. When scientists discover how to shrink humans to five...
‘All She Could Do Was Save The World’ Gloria is a hard partying girl living in NY who is thrust into crisis when her uptight boyfriend, Tim, grows sick of her antics and kicks her out of their apartment. With...
Writer-director Nacho Vigalondo’s action/sci-fi sees Anne Hathaway playing a woman who discovers that severe catastrophic events are somehow connected to...
Jason Sudeikis (‘The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea’), Ed Harris (‘Westworld’) and Elizabeth Olsen (‘Captain America: Civil War’) are set to star in ‘Kodachrome,’ a road-trip drama that has Mark Raso (‘Copenhagen’) directing. Based on an A.G. Sulzberger’s 2010...
MOTHER’S DAY (USA/12A/118mins) Directed by Garry Marshall. Starring Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Sarah Chalke, Jason Sudeikis. THE PLOT:...
RACE (Canada | Germany/PG/134mins) Stephen Hopkins. Starring Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Carice Van Houten, Jeremy Irons, William Hurt. THE PLOT:...
THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE (USA/PG/97mins) Directed by Clay Kaytis, Fergal Reilly. Starring the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Peter Dinklage, Kate McKinnon, Sean Penn, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph, Danny McBride. THE PLOT: That Red (Sudeikis) is having trouble with...