Homegrown horror / thriller hybrid Vivarium is the 2nd film from Irish director Lorcan Finnegan. It follows Tom (Jesse Eisenberg) and Gemma (Imogen Poots) a young couple whose attempt to buy a home leaves them trapped in a nightmarish parody...
“I’m worried that something bad happened.” From director Sophia Takal (‘Always Shine’) and Blumhouse Productions comes a remake of the festive horror classic ‘Black Christmas.’ Hawthorne College is quieting down for the holidays. One by one, sorority girls on campus...
Promising first footage from the upcoming adaptation of Joe Kelly and J. M. Ken Niimura’s graphic novel about a young girl who chooses to escape the realities of her drab life by retreating into a magical world of Titans and...
POPSTAR: NEVER STOP NEVER STOPPING (USA/16/87mins) Directed by Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone. Starring Andy Samberg, Sarah Silverman, Maya Rudolph,...
Jeremy Saulnier’s third feature length film ‘Green Room’ is released in Irish cinemas this week, and follows The Ain’t Rights, a young punk band who find themselves in a life or death situation after they play a Neo-Nazi bar in...
Green Room Down-on-their-luck punk rockers The Ain’t Rights agree to a last-minute gig in a backwoods Oregon roadhouse only to find themselves targeted by a ruthless club owner and his associates leading to devastating consequences. From the internationally acclaimed filmmaker...