The Plot: Newcastle, 1961. Mild-mannered and chatty taxi driver Kempton Bunton (Jim Broadbent) thinks it’s his civic duty to challenge perceived injustice. By removing a component from his television set so he can’t receive the BBC, he claims that he...
Neil Burger, the director of Limitless returns with a mind-bending euphoric sci-fi thriller. Set on a ship where life is descending into chaos, the crew are consumed by fear, lust, and the insatiable hunger for power. With the future of...
Based on the much-loved novel by Ian McEwan (Atonement) and brought to the big screen by director Richard Eyre, THE CHILDREN ACT is a compelling and powerful court drama about a high court judge who is asked to rule in...
Cillian Murphy has joined the ensemble cast of Christopher Nolan’s WWII action thriller ‘Dunkirk,’ says TheWrap. ‘Dunkirk’ tells the story of the legendary evacuation of the northern French city, which took place at the beginning of World War II. Nolan...