Crash bang wallop Transformers : Rise Of The BeastsThe Plot: A group of autobots known as the Maximals, led by Optimal Prime (Ron Perlman), are intent on stopping the...
First TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Trailer Teases A New Threat To The AutobotsReturning to the action and spectacle that first captured moviegoers around the world 14 years ago with the original Transformers,...
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Trailer Stars Daniel Kaluuya as Black Panther Leader“America’s on fire, right now.” Inspired by true events, ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ is directed by Shaka King and tells the story of Fred Hampton (Daniel Kaluuya), Chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, and his fateful betrayal by...
Trailer: Jamie Foxx Leads Superpowered Thriller PROJECT POWERWhat would you risk for five minutes of pure power? Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Dominique Fishback star in PROJECT...