Walt Disney Animation Studios brings us a science-fiction action adventure film that follows a legendary family of explorers who embark on a journey to a mysterious planet inhabited by surreal lifeforms. The film has a star-studded cast that includes Jake...
To celebrate the release of A DOGS JOURNEY in cinemas on May 3rd we have exclusive prizes for the doggie in your life to giveaway. Each doggie pack contains a dog blanket, treat jar, basket, brush, water bowl and food...
A DOG’S PURPOSE (USA/PG/100mins) Directed by Lasse Hallström. Starring Dennis Quaid, Josh Gad, Peggy Lipton, Juliet Rylance, Britt Robertson THE PLOT: Over the course of many lives, and many decades, a dog – voiced by Josh Gad – struggles to...
“What is the meaning of life … and why does food taste so much better in the trash?” Based on the beloved bestselling novel by W. Bruce Cameron, A DOG’S PURPOSE, from director Lasse Hallström (‘The Cider House Rules,’ ‘Dear...