Game, set, match King RichardThe Plot: California, the early 1990s. Richard Williams (Will Smith) lives a relatively ordinary life with his wife Brandi (Aunjanue Ellis)...
King Richard – Will Smith reveals his inspiration to play Richard Williams on screenBased on a true story, ‘King Richard’ is a biopic about the rise of living tennis legends, Venus and Serena...
See Will Smith As Venus & Serena Williams’ Father In KING RICHARD Trailer“You gonna walk out there with your head up…. you’re a champion and the whole world know it” Warner Bros has unveiled the official trailer for ‘King Richard,’ director Reinaldo Marcus Green’s true story sports drama looking at how tennis...
Will Smith’s KING RICHARD Casts Its Venus & SerenaSaniyya Sidney (‘Fences,’ ‘Hidden Figures’) and Demi Singleton (‘Godfather of Harlem’) are set to join Will Smith for the Reinaldo...