The Plot: Assassin Ladybird (Brad Pitt) is in the habit of bringing about bad luck wherever he goes. Corpses up end up in his vicinity and he attracts the wrong kind of attention. On a high-speed bullet train from Tokyo...
Stuntman-turned-filmmaker David Leitch (‘Atomic Blonde,’ ‘Deadpool 2,’ ‘Hobbs & Shaw’) has been tapped to direct a contemporary-set remake of 1970s TV series ‘Kung Fu,’ according to the team over at Deadline. Running from 1972-75, the cult series starred David Carradine...
Official poster and teaser trailer for ‘Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw,’ a spinoff of the guilty pleasure franchise, this time focusing on Dwayne Johnson’s US Diplomatic Security Agent Luke Hobbs unlikely alliance with Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw. Ever...
David Leitch continues to add projects to his future slate, with Variety bringing word that the stunt coordinator-turned-director has entered into talks to take the reins for a remake of the 1973 martial arts classic ‘Enter The Dragon.’ Under the...
Stunt coordinator-turned-director David Leitch (‘Deadpool 2,’ ‘Atomic Blonde,’ ‘John Wick’) has reportedly signed on to take the reins for a ‘Fast & Furious’ spin-off starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham. Chris Morgan, who has penned six installments of the blockbuster...
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Ryan Reynolds has unveiled the first official one-sheet for ‘Deadpool 2.’ The holiday-themed poster brings together the family for a fun riff on Norman Rockwell’s ‘Freedom from Want’ painting. Thanksgiving in our house is...