Starring Ryan Reynolds, Dave Franco, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Adria Arjona, Corey Hawkins, Ben Hardy, and Mélanie Laurent, 6 UNDERGROUND follows a group of billionaires who fake their own deaths and form an elite vigilante squad in order to take down notorious...
THE DISASTER ARTIST (USA / 15A / 104 mins) Directed by James Franco. Starring James Franco, Dave Franco, Seth Rogen, Alison Brie, Josh Hutcherson, Zac Efron. THE PLOT: San Francisco, 1998. Wannabe actor Greg (Dave Franco) meets the flamboyant, out-there...
New featurette for the LEGO Ninjago Movie takes us behind the scenes of the big-screen adventure, opening in Irish cinemas today. In this big-screen Ninjago adventure, the battle for Ninjago City calls to action young Lloyd (Dave Franco), aka the Green Ninja, along...
“Oh, Hai” Full-length trailer for James Franco’s comedy-drama telling the story of infamous filmmaker Tommy Wiseau and his worst-movie-ever-made ‘The...
Good and evil are related. Fun new trailer for the LEGO adventure has arrived online. Check it out below. In this big-screen Ninjago adventure, the battle for Ninjago City calls to action young Lloyd, aka the Green Ninja, along with...
“Are you ready to risk your life for Ninjago?” Hitting Irish cinemas October 13th, ‘The LEGO Ninjago Movie’ is the third film in the hilarious LEGO movie franchise. In this big-screen Ninjago adventure, the battle for Ninjago City calls to action young...
THE FOUR HORSEMEN return for their second mind-bending adventure, elevating the limits of stage illusion to new heights and taking them around the globe. One year after outwitting the FBI and winning the public’s adulation with their Robin-Hood-style magic spectacles,...