Making its debut on Disney+ on August 14th, the live action/CGI hybrid is based on the book of the same name by Katherine Applegate telling the story of a gorilla named Ivan who tries to piece together his past with...
“This next adventure is even more challenging!” One last trailer for the fantasy adventure comedy sequel ‘Jumanji The Next Level,’ opening in Irish cinemas on December 11th. In JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVEL, the gang is back but the game has...
Th folks over at Disney have dropped one last trailer for Tim Burton’s live-action remake of ‘Dumbo’ ahead of it soaring into into cinemas next month. From Disney and visionary director Tim Burton, the all-new grand live-action adventure DUMBO expands...
Not every legend is a tall tale. One last trailer and a collection of character posters for the animated adventure, opening in Irish cinemas on October 12th. An animated adventure for all ages, with original music and an all-star cast,...
Yeti or not here they come. Featuring the voices of Channing Tatum, James Corden, Zendaya, LeBron James, Gina Rodriguez, and Common, SMALLFOOT turns the Bigfoot legend upside down when a bright young Yeti finds something he thought didn’t exist—a human....
We take a look at beloved characters that jumped from the page to the silver screen… This week, PADDINGTON is released in Irish cinemas. Having started life in a children’s book by Michael Bond in 1958, this polite, marmalade loving...