Set in an unremarkable Yorkshire coastal town, NOCTURNAL follows the story of Pete (Cosmo Jarvis), a disheveled and darkly compelling thirty-something who works as an occasional handyman at the local high school. There, he meets Laurie (Lauren Coe), an emotionally...
Now into the second month of lockdown, one of the things we miss most is the thrill of going to the cinema to see the latest releases. While we can’t bring you a big screen, and can’t bring you freshly made...
“This is not loyalty… it’s servitude.” Starring Cosmo Jarvis (‘Peaky Blinders,’ ‘Lady Macbeth’), Barry Keoghan (‘Dunkirk,’ ‘Eternals’) and Niamh Algar (‘The Virtues,’ ‘Pure’), CALM WITH HORSES is the must-see feature directorial debut of Nick Rowland. Watch the official trailer below. Ex-boxer Douglas ‘Arm’...
LADY MACBETH (UK/16/89mins) Directed by William Oldroyd. Starring Florence Pugh, Christopher Fairbank, Cosmo Jarvis, Bill Fellows, Naomi Ackle THE PLOT:...
This week, William Oldroyd’s feature length debut, ‘Lady Macbeth’ is released in Irish cinemas. Based on the 1865 novel ‘Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk’ by Nikolai Leskov, the film is sure to make a star of its leading lady, Florence Pugh,...