Irish actor Cillian Murphy stars in the upcoming biopic about Physicist J Robert Oppenheimer who helped developed the atomic bomb & gave man the power to destroy himself. The trailer calls him the most important man who ever lived, yet...
New featurette for John Krasinski’s hotly anticipated horror sequel focuses on Emmett, a mysterious new character played by our own Cillian Murphy. Following the deadly events at home, the Abbott family (Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe) must now face...
The folks over at Paramount have released the first footage and poster for John Krasinski’s much-anticipated follow-up. Clocking in at 30 seconds, the clip perfectly re-introduces us to the silent nightmare. The first full trailer arrives on New Year’s Day....
The 2018 programme for Ireland’s first and largest film festival, launched this week with an aim to showcase Irish and international films with a focus on current global issues. The programme for Ireland’s first and largest film festival, features films with themes centred on LGBT,...
The nation’s movie critics have spoken. The members of the Dublin Film Critics Circle have, for the 11th year, selected their favourite works of 2017. In common with many awarding bodies, ‘Dunkirk’ was a clear favourite, as was Christopher Nolan,...
When 400,000 men couldn’t get home… home came for them. New stills from the July 21st release take us inside the action. DUNKIRK opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces. Trapped on...
From the innovative filmmaker Christopher Nolan (Interstellar, Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy) comes the epic action thriller DUNKIRK. To celebrate...