Nomadland (USA / Germany / 12A / 107 mins) In short: Visionary filmmaking Directed by Chloé Zhao. Starring Frances McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May, Bob Wells. The Plot: Fern (Frances McDormand) once had a home, a husband and a regular job. After the...
NOMADLAND, the follow-up to writer-director Chloé Zhao’s award-winning prairie drama ‘The Rider,’ has won this year’s Golden Lion, the top prize, at the 77th edition of the Venice Film Festival. You can check out a teaser trailer for the film...
The Rider (USA / TBC / 103 mins) In short: Cowboy poetry Directed by Chloe Zhao. Starring Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lilly Jandreau, Mooney. The Plot: Deep in South Dakota, cowboy and famed rodeo rider Brady (Brady Jandreau) is...