Calling all hopeless romantics! Get ready to be swept away by IT ENDS WITH US, a new drama hitting Irish cinemas this summer. Based on the bestselling novel by Colleen Hoover, the film follows Lily (Blake Lively), a small-town escapee...
A Simple Favour (USA / 15A / 117 mins) In short: Far from simple Directed by Paul Feig. Starring Anna Kendrick, Blake Lively, Henry Golding, Rupert Friend. The Plot: Stephanie (Anna Kendrick) is a stay-at-home mom who is living...
“Everybody has a dark side… Some of us are better at hiding it than others.” Adapted from Darcey Bell’s edge-of-your seat debut novel of the same name the story follows Stephanie (Anna Kendrick), a single mother whose best friend Emily...
Paul Feig has signed to take the helm for ‘A Simple Favour,’ a thriller in the vein of ‘Gone Girl’ and ‘The Girl on the Train’ that has Anna Kendrick (‘Pitch Perfect’) and Blake Lively (‘The Shallows’) in talks to...
Woody Allen’s 47th film, ‘Café Society’, is released in Irish cinemas this week. Boasting an impressive cast, including Steve Carell, Kristen Stewart, Blake Lively, Corey Stoll, Jesse Eisenberg and Parker Posey, the 1930s set film follows a young man in...
THE SHALLOWS (USA/12A/86mins) Directed by Juame Collet-Serra. Starring Blake Lively, Oscar Jaenada, Angela Jose, Lozano Corzo, Jose Manual, Trujillo Salas,...
This week Blake Lively faces off with a killer shark in ‘The Shallows’, as she tries desperately to get out of the water and to the safety of land, just metres away. Lively’s turn in this shark survival thriller has...